***Important information: Kompass GmbH in 98693 Ilmenau, Germany, does not carry out any job offers or selection procedures by directly contacting unknown persons online, i.e. per e-mail, messenger or any other text message. Please be careful with sharing any personal information. Kompass GmbH is only using the official e-mail address and domain info@kompass-sensor.com. We kindly apologize for any inconvenience caused by the unintentional use of our company name!***

As an innovative system analyst and provider, we support you in the design, development and implementation of customized solutions for sensor systems and measurement systems in the three Kompass application fields: Detecting, Monitoring and Analyzing.

substance Detection

Our highly sensitive sensors are used for the qualitative and quantitative detection of specific substances and chemical elements.

Environment monitoring

Our highly integrated sensor systems and sensor platforms are used for the mobile monitoring of plant activity and water   quality.

Material Analysis

Our high-precision measurement systems are used for the detailed analysis of structural and mechanical material properties.

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